Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Seize sur Vingt (soft-)opens at the Plaza

Come see the new Retail Collection at The Plaza before it’s even finished. You see, we’re among the first group of shops that are complete and ready for business, while most of the space is still in construction. Check it out now to earn the “I saw it when” bragging rights.

We’re quite proud of our new digs. The store was sleekly and elegantly designed by the architecture firm 212box. Some of the details you’ll want for your own place – the massive rolling cabinets and slightly voyeuristic fitting mirrors are clearly the highlights. The really great news is that no matter where you live in NYC, you aren’t too far from your favorite shirts now.

To celebrate our northward expansion, and while we wait for our neighbors to open, we’re offering a discount of 15% on all suits/jackets/coats, ready-to-wear and custom, and even our cashmere sweaters and excellent 7-fold neckties. Not to discriminate against the downtown-bound, we’ll give the same deal to those of you who want to stop by either of the Elizabeth Street spaces.

We’re offering this exclusively to our loyal customers, so be sure to let us know you got this email when you stop in. The excitement of the unfinished Plaza won’t last much longer, and the deal is only good to Thanksgiving.

Looking forward to seeing you.

PS: have a look here for a nice post on

Seize sur Vingt at The Plaza
1 West 58th Street
New York, NY 10019

Current “soft”-opening hours: M-Sat 11-6; Sun 12-5 or call to make an appointment.

Tel. 212-832-1620
Fax. 212-656-1023

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